A Bit of Sense

Here I talk about my expericne with computers, software and computer programming. Let me warn you that some of this stuff will be technical. I'll aim to give you fair notice for technical posts.

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Location: Massachusetts, United States

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Computer Stores with Linux Pre-installed.

Traditionally installing a new operating system has been an intimidating task. This was especially an issue with (GNU/)Linux as it was difficult to get all of the hardware working correctly with the software. In recent years this has gotten much easier. However, most computer users still would prefer to get their system pre-installed. Another advantage of getting Linux pre-installed is that companies that offer this ensure that the hardware they include works well with Linux. There are several companies selling systems with pre-installed Linux. I haven't found a complete list so I'll provide a list of the ones I have found. Note that I haven't had any personal experience with these companys - this isn't an endorsement.
I am sure there are a lot of other companies out there. Feel free to drop a line if you know of some that I missed.


Anonymous LGW said...

Small computing stores in your local area are struggling to keep the doors open, against the deep-discount competition of Dell, Walmart, and Best Buy. Seek out the stores who will commit to selling computers with Ubuntu (on request), then help your community understand the importance of buying such computers. You will be adding an important Ubuntu resource to your local community, and you will be keeping more local money working in your neighborhood.

November 06, 2009 10:01 AM  

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